Category: Tips

General tips

Being a Better Team Player

In the article, Being a Better Leader, I talked about qualities one should develop to become a better leader. In this article, I will discuss the qualities one should develop for being a better team player. As you read, you will realize that most of the qualities are common to both a leader and a team member, though with a slightly different emphasis. It is no coincidence, for a leader is also a member of the organization which is a larger team. Be compassionate—Be understanding of other person’s feelings. Be kind and encouraging toward your coworkers and your supervisors. Yes,...

Being a Better Leader

In my career spanning the last 13+ years, I have had opportunities to work with and observe some great and some not so great managers. I have gathered some insights into how to and how not to be a team leader. Though I have not, myself, been a manager of a team, I have managed projects, cross-functionally, with people from different groups reporting to me on the status of the projects we were working on. I believe that managing people is not rocket science. It takes heart to be a good leader. One of my recent managers has been the...

Can We Lead a Spiritual Life in a Material World and Still Achieve a Balance?

(Here is the Transliteration scheme for sanskrit.) Universe is an Illusion brahman is Real Universe is brahman — Adi SankarAcArya The above quote has a profound meaning for me. When I started off my yoga practices, about 5 years ago, I did not understand this seemingly contradictory statement. However, I understand it better now, than I did then. When a person embarks on a spiritual journey, one is first taught that the whole of this universe is an illusion or mAya and that brahman is the only reality. However, upon realization, or at least having a glimpse, of the brahman...