Category: Travel

My travels

Journaling for Self-Discovery

Journaling is something women do very naturally. However, most often men, when they were boys, were in general discouraged to keep a journal. Journaling is thought to be expressing our inner most secrets and feeling, and boys are in general taught, “Real men don’t really express their feelings and it is only suitable for women.” There are always exceptions in this as it is for everything else. You probably don’t keep a journal unless you are a writer or work in a creative field like art. If you are in scientific fields you probably keep a research notebook recording your...

Mother Nature as Teacher—My Trip to Olympic National Park

I left, with my family, for Olympic National Park on May 26, 2007 around 2 PM, from where we live (Issaquah, WA, U.S.A.). Olympic National Park, is located near the city of Port Angeles in the state of Washington, U.S.A., northwest of Seattle on Highway 101. We reached the location around 6:30 PM, including the wait time for boarding the Edmonds-Kingston Ferry. We stayed overnight at the hotel. Hurricane Ridge We started off first to Hurricane Ridge (about 5200 ft from sea level) from where we got a closer view of the peaks of the Olympic Mountain Range. It was...