Category: Ascension

Ascension follows Enlightenment and infinite journey continues there after.

Ways to Overcome Limiting Thought Patterns

We end up living a life that we constantly think of and dream of. We will realize this fact, if we take a few moments from our busy lives to look back and contemplate on what happened so far and what was our mental state during those times. Though this may come as a shock or make us feel uncomfortable, once we realize that so far we have been limited by our own thoughts and imaginings, […]

Doing By Being

Doing By Being

How can you do by being? What does it mean by being? Being sounds like just sit and do nothing. Is it being lazy? What is it? Doing by being is the most helpful in any creative endeavor. “Creation” by definition means “to make or bring to existence something new; something unprecedented.” But, fears arise, because mind can only cope with things that already known. When encountered with something new, it goes into a panic mode. In some people it is more stifling than in others. […]

Why Understanding Religious Symbology is the Key to Your Spiritual Progress

Thumbnail of Flower and Fruit Offering

Have you ever contemplated the deeper meaning of rituals and ritual offerings in your religious and spiritual traditions? Do you understand how the symbols in your external rituals relate to the inner depths of your spirit? If not, it is time for you to do so. This article, though centered around some of the Hindu Symbology, may provide you the needed impetus to delve into deeper meaning of the external rituals you perform in your own religious and spiritual traditions. […]

A Higher Dimensional Perspective on Earth Changes

Earth from Space

All the information we have about earth changes is from a three dimensional physical (3D) perspective. In this article, I give a different perspective from a spiritual angle. Why do we think that we can save the planet? Can we really save the planet? Who is actually in peril? What can we do? Can the environmental movements work? […]

Self-Mastery and Enlightenment Demystified

Have you ever wondered about all that mystery surrounding the words enlightenment and self-mastery? Wonder no more. Every spiritual practice, either implicitly or explicitly, follows a model of creation. This article discusses an alternative model and demystifies what Self-Mastery and Enlightenment are based on this model. It also reconciles this model with the existing models based on Chakras and Kundalini. […]